Collapse of Communism
Communism is a form of socialism thats abolishes the the private ownership of the people. The collapsed of communism in Eastern Europe and USSR is mainly because people can do whatever they want. And increase the nationalism. And people chose not to be communist anymore.And caused the fall of Berlin Wall because peopledestroyed it. And Germany followed the other European nation. And later on they removed communism in Europe. The fall of communism change the countries and unified other small countries.
now see here that's wrong people can't just go around and do what ever they please the fall of communism is bad and yes it changed those countries but for the worst now the people are dirt poor and the gangs run everything at lease under communisum they were protected as a whole and were able to live peaceful lives
the ironic thing about communism is that the stupider and less creative the populace, the better it works. where people expect things to be given to them, set free they have nothing. where they expect the responsibility of protecting themselves to fall to another, set free they find themselves unprotected.
the aim of the future ought to be neither stupidity nor a lack of creativity.
This doesn't seem to really base itself in any fact. I get frustrated because of the misuse of the word "communism" in modern times.
However, even given your misuse, I have problems with it. The USSR had many top scientists and was creative in a variety of ways. Cuba has very creative tendencies as well. While I don't consider either of those communist societies, I'm sure you do because that's how you learned it.
Gabe, your point as I understand it is that the USSR and Cuba both were not *absolute* Communist countries; that is, they hadn't got past the governmental stage to the Communist utopia stage, as Marx said societies ought to/would.
Fact is, no country has ever got to that stage. Genocide and oppression got in the way. Every attempt at practicing Communism has not resulted in Marx's predicted transition—capitalism=>massive recession=>desire for communism=>government=>communist utopia, as i recall it—but in countries like the USSR and Cuba. Mass murder, loss of civil liberties, paranoia and the like. The fact that the brains of the Russian and Cuban citizens had not turned to sawdust, which would explain their creativity, does not detract from the fact that Communism in practice is evil.
And that's before we get into Communism in theory being evil.
The dissolution of the Soviet Union and the return to capitalism by several Socialist nations in the early 90's was unfortunate. I agree with what my Party has to say about the matter:
What are the CPUSA’s views on the USSR?
The subject of the USSR is a complex one. There was certainly an insufficiently developed democracy, but to dismiss over 70 years of their history developing socialism as completely undemocratic is a gross oversimplification. They practiced forms of economic democracy and worker involvement unknown in this country. They offered citizens many essential benefits that the drive to capitalism has destroyed.
When the "solution" is worse than the problem, it is not a solution. Capitalism has made life for the vast majority in the former Soviet Union and other former socialist countries much worse. All indicators of social health are deteriorating, such as the sharp rise in infant mortality, the decrease in longevity rates, levels of malnutrition and starvation, decreasing health care for most of the population, inadequate and overwhelmed social security and welfare programs. The problems they faced would have had a better chance of being solved by more socialism, not less!
I recommend six books to help deepen your knowledge of the accomplishments and shortcomings of the Soviet Union:
Heroic Struggle, Bitter Defeat by Bhaman Azad from International Publishers, 2000,
Blackshirts and Reds by Michael Parenti from City Light Publishers.
These are both valuable contributions to the discussion of what happened in the Soviet Union, why, and how that connects to the history of Soviet policies.
About issues of human rights and socialist development in the Soviet Union, see Human Rights in the Soviet Union by Albert Szymanski, Zed Books, 1984.
An earlier book of his, Is the Red Flag Still Flying, included an afterward that is a (very incomplete) start at an historical materialist analysis of Stalin’s role. (Symanski was an economist and a Maoist who set out to prove the Maoist thesis of "capitalist restoration" in the Soviet Union, but on examining the statistics and realities, came to the conclusion that the Maoists were wrong, that the Soviet Union was still primarily run in the interests of the working class. He used statistics and facts as reported by right-wing academicians, arguing that facts as reported by anti-communists could be used to prove progressive points with greater believability by anti-communist readers.)
Soviet Women ( Ramparts Press, 1975) and Soviet But Not Russian (Ramparts Press, 1985) by William Mandel and The Siberians by Farley Mowat are useful responses to the barrage of anti-communism directed at the Soviet Union and other socialist countries. (Note that for writing this particular book, Farley Mowat was barred from entering the United States in the 1980s! He wrote a short funny book about his experiences. The U. S. State Department finally backed down, at which time Mowat refused to enter! Other world-famous authors have been refused entry into the U.S. as "undesirable aliens," including Nobel Literature Prize winner Gabriel Garcia Marquez.)
peaceful lives? ya peaceful. ya i guess you could call slavery peaceful.... if you obey! AND do everything the gov't tells you... no q's asked. people like you scare me.
The USSR wasn't even really communism. It was actually Stalinism, which was a complete 180 to the communist values. Also, most Cubans are happy with their system of government. And to Jake, Ignorant people like you scare me. People don't realize that the monetary is governments way of making the populace its slave. As a planet we have the capabilities to end world hunger, disease, and money dependence. The reason why these resources haven't been tapped is government corruption. People would realize this corruption, if it weren't for the monetary system. The monetary system overwhelms people with the monotonous daily routines of jobs, bills, and social acceptance through acquiring the largest and most expensive things. If you use money, you are a slave.
You people really have a pretty warped view on a healthy and prosperous society. Communism equals human slavery to the government. You have to love and obey the government at all times, and you can't decide what kind of job you can have, and you can't do anything that is not approved by the government. All human beings have an amazing gift. It's called FREE WILL. Communism takes away that gift. It's been shown around the world that communism doesn't work. People become mad, because it goes against what we were born to do, and that was to roam the world and decide for ourselves, whether it's for better or for worse. Keep the world a free world, that what I say. Don't give in to this brainwashing trash that the slimy government pigs throw at you. I can see that it's already too late for some of you people that are commenting....
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The so-called fall of communism was an aranged thing, how else can one explain the fall in both Germany and Romania at about the same time, in 1989. I live in Romania and I can certainly tell you, large parts of the old communist regime are still doing fine in the ruling pseudo-democratic regime. Only difference is, and this is the part the EU is doing, orders are coming from outside by means of monetary manipulation that romanian industry be destroyed so that europe can dump its exports in a country where nothing much is being produced anymore.
I didn't really catch communism, i was born in '88, but now at 21 i find myself unable to get a job, while, for what i've heard, during the "odious regime" you had one guaranteed. People with 2 colleges can barely get a job..
Communism may have been bad, but this thing is madness.
Oh, and G-Rey, communism may not work, but the twisted version of democracy employed all over the world at this time is fundamentally flawed as well.
It may well be, and i think it is, WORSE than communism was. As for brainwashing, democracy has its fair share, having a good example in America's everthirst for Oil and it's pillaging expeditions coated in counter-terrorist excuses.
But as things go, history is written by the victors.
Democracy may be good from a freedom of will POV, but my ultimate argument is Hiroshima, it all comes down to the fact that the americans used the bomb and the russians didn't. It's that simple. The ultimate disregard for human life: democracy.
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