Film Lesson: "Night and Fog"

I obtained a lot of information from the movie "Night and Fog". Most of the scenes are interesting. It gave me a feeling how the Jewish were maltreated those times. It made me feel I was a part of those agony they experienced.I felt sick the thought of the scenes. It showed colorful scenes of Auschwitz and the concentration camps that were used during WW II. I love how the graphics were presented.One scene that I would never forget was when the Allied Nations came into Germany and threw all the dead bodies of the Jews into large pits with the use of a bulldozer. I was equally shocked and scared because I saw how the condition of the camps were people had to live in, the beds that the Jews were given to sleep on seemed very rough and small. This movie showed one of the concentration camps a few years after WW II had ended, this camp seemed much more peaceful. I found it hard to believe that people had once been killed in this area, the area was mainly covered with plants and moss which made it seem more appealing and peaceful to me. The remains of the camps are still visible years after the war, like the poles that held up the fences are still standing and the rail roads where many Jews were thrown onto are still visible.
I think the movie is powerful that it was able to arouse interest in the viewers by using brutal, violent, and sad scenes. A combination of thiese aspects made the viewers feel that they were in the shoes of the Jews in the Holocaust.This movie was also very informative with its comparison of the two different settings, I felt like I was actually among the Jews watching their death and their terrible life style. One of the powerful scenes that I recall in this movie was when the Jews were in the trains being transported to the German death camp. This scene made me feel angry at the Nazis because they forced all these people to get onto one train and this caused people to die from diseases.
I found a few poweerful scenes in the "Night and Fog", but not as powerful as the "Schindler's List".This maybe due to the tremendous amount of information given to the audience in the Schindler's List.The former was a longer movie such that it was able to picture the details of the Holocaust, so people were able to grasp more meaningful understanding. "Shindler's List" contains more graphic scenes and it also had a few funny parts such as when some of the Jewish children hide in the toilets, this was powerful in the sense that it got my attention and showed me the harsh conditions the Jews had to go through to survive. The movie "Night and Fog" was based on the death camps during and after WW II, scenes from "Shindler's List" were also more powerful due to the fact that they showed many different settings and situations that the Jews were in. Generally, the Hollywood version of the Holocaust was able to show a clearer, more precise and almost real scenes that happened during the Holocaust than the documentary.
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