Film Lesson: "Gandhi"

Gandhi lead India's Independence Movement. Gandhi is a political and spiritual leader of India, against the British people who were harsh with them during the slavery period. Gandhi was honored by his people as the father of Indian nation. He was considered as Mahatma which emans "Great Soul" and later on people were starting to call him Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi was been in Africa to work during the time Africa and India was controlled by the British. When he was still in Africa, people were been rude to Gandhi. He stayed for 21 years in Africa to secure the rights of India. And later on he developed a method called Satyagraha which was about the principle of courage, nonviolenece and truth. Gandhi didnt like the way how Bristish treat Indian people and was just taking the advantage on them. And Gandhi taught his people on how to rebel against the Bristish by nonviolent and civil disobedience. He decided to weave their own clothes and not buy the British products, and not to pay taxes. And he started to weave his own clothes too. Not only the clothe but the production of salt too from Indian ocean. And marched 24o miles to the sea and was done successfully.This boycott caused sales on British clothes to drop. India was been granted for its Independence in year 1947. And after this Independence, muslims and Hindus wants to be separated and Gandhi didnt approve on it , but it didnt happen both countries were still separated. And during Insdia's Independence WWII was ended int he Bristish during the 1940's.
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