Mikhail Gorbachev and the end of Communism
Glasnost is a Russian word meaning "openness", it refers to a general loosening of government control on the aspects of life and the end of criticism. And Peristrokia economic and political program in soviet union by Mikhail Gorbachev. Mikhail Gorbachev was a man who actually listened to the citizens of Soviet Union. He allowed books to be published when it was banned. He allowed people to speak for their rights. Usually the communist leaders would do things their way and not listen the citizens because they had the most power but Mikhail Gorbachev made sure every voice is to be heard. He also allowed churches to be opened and private businesses were also allowed to be open. The citizens profited from this idea and their economy increased.
Collapse of Communism
Communism is a form of socialism thats abolishes the the private ownership of the people. The collapsed of communism in Eastern Europe and USSR is mainly because people can do whatever they want. And increase the nationalism. And people chose not to be communist anymore.And caused the fall of Berlin Wall because peopledestroyed it. And Germany followed the other European nation. And later on they removed communism in Europe. The fall of communism change the countries and unified other small countries.
Creation of Israel
Zionism is a belief that Jews should have their own nation, the late 19th century. Resulted in establishments
and development of the State of Israel. And the Arabs dont like the sense that Jews will have their own land.The Palestinians and Israelis dont get along because they are from a different religion.And the conflict gotten worst because Palestine believed that god gave them the land, and Israel feel the same way too.
Nelson Mandela and Apartheid
Apartheid is a racial segragation between white and black people. Apartheid is the main policy throughout Africa in 1900's. An organization was created and it is called the ANC or the African national Congress. ANC is a main role in controlling Apartheid. And Neslon Mandela was a major member of this organization. Nelson Mandela was put in jail because he was against the Apartheid. He was put in jail for over 26 long years. Nelson Mandela helped in coming up stuffs to show the whites that they dont want to be controlled. Nelson Mandela planned to strike. Even though he's was put in jail he gave people hope that 1 day they will be free.
Nelson Mandela was able to stop the Apartheid within the next five years. And by the hard work and determination that he give he weaken Apartheid. And for the next years he was elected as the President of South Africa. Nelson Mandela is considered as a hero in South Africa because of the end of unequal rights given to Africans before. And when this ended blacks can vote fairly like the whites before. Nelson Mandela is admired and appreciated because of his acts tho free black from white and have equal rights to the society.
African Independence

In 1955 Africa was made up of colonies but this was under European rule. During the 20 years African became more educated. And many colonies gained independence. Africa did not gain independence easily they've been struggling from Europeans. Ghana was the first nation who gained independence. Kwame Nkrumah lead the Africa's independence by nonviolent protest. He wants to industrialized Africa by education and a lot more and this spread rapidly. And led changes to Africa. And the independence of Ghana was followed by other nations like Kenya which was lead by Jomo Kenyatta. And Mau Mau is a secret society which controls nonviolent protest. And was then succesful for the independence of Kenya. And another nation had gained independence was Angola had been under the rule of Portuguese. And led to a great change to Africa.
9th Grade Review:Neolithic Revolution

The Neolithic Revolution is one of the components of civilization. And Neolithic Revolution positively occurred independently.
It is a slow event occurred and developed from the practice of hunting and gathering. Hunting of wild animals and gartering of
plants. Domestication of plants and animals lead to population of people by towns,cities and urban.And Neolithic Revolution occurred in a Fertile land like near the riverbanks because it usually produce healthy dirt,for growing plants. The only disadvantage about the Neolithic Revolution is when theres a hard typhoon or bad weather occurred in certain place because it will wash out all the crop and probably can kill wild animals. Because of Neolithic Revolution population, density and the organization of system increases. And increased the trading system.
The European Union
The European Union (EU) is an alliance composed of 25 countries. European Union is
an intergovernmental union(levels of governments).
European Union was formed after World War II, and also European Union unites these 25 countries
economically and politically. After the fall of Soviet the USA became the superpower. The Union is free to move with common trade policies and with the factors of production.And its single currency is Euro and was adopeted troughtout the countries in Europe. The people that live or citizens in these European union are free to work in different states. And was implemented 10 years ago. Europe is open port travelers usually go there because it easier for them. And it help them to do business easily without having a hard trouble and free. The European Union makes it to the thirds largest country with citizens.And economically they are succesful becasue they have huge territories.And if some nation wants to trade with one of Europeans Union it should respect and follow its rules.